27-29 June 2023
National Research Nuclear University MEPhI
Europe/Moscow timezone

Systematic uncertainties of the primary astroparticle energy estimation vs zenith angle distribution of EAS event rate measured with surface array

29 Jun 2023, 10:45
B-100 (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI)


National Research Nuclear University MEPhI

Kashirskoe shosse 31, Moscow, Russian Federation, 115409
Original Talk Cosmic rays of very high energies (> 1 PeV) Cosmic rays of very high energies (> 1 PeV)


Anatoly Ivanov (Shafer Institute for Cosmophysical Research and Aeronomy)


Systematic uncertainties in the energy estimation of EAS primaries are a source of headache for physicists and lead to elusive discrepancies in the energy spectra of cosmic rays measured with different arrays. We have found the zenith angle distribution of EAS event rate to be sensitive to these systematic uncertainties. It gives an opportunity to test different algorithms for the primary astroparticle energy estimation, to find the best of them, and tune the parameters in the model independent way. We have compared several algorithms that were in use in the Yakutsk array group, discard some of them, and derived the proper parameters assuming isotropic arrival directions of cosmic rays.

Primary authors

Anatoly Ivanov (Shafer Institute for Cosmophysical Research and Aeronomy) Aleksandr Boyakinov

Presentation Materials