27-29 June 2023
National Research Nuclear University MEPhI
Europe/Moscow timezone

Tunka-Grande and TAIGA-Muon experiments: status, results and prospects

27 Jun 2023, 16:00
Hall of B-100 Lecture Room (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI)

Hall of B-100 Lecture Room

National Research Nuclear University MEPhI

Kashirskoe shosse 31, Moscow, Russian Federation, 115409
Poster Cosmic rays of very high energies (> 1 PeV) Poster Session


Roman Monkhoev (API ISU)


The Tunka-Grande and TAIGA-Muon scintillation arrays are part of the TAIGA astrophysical complex. This complex is located in the Tunka Valley, 50 km from Lake Baikal and is aimed at solving fundamental problems of cosmic ray physics and gamma-ray astronomy in the energy range 10 TeV - 1 EeV.
In report we present description and status of arrays, scientific programs and the main results of the Tunka-Grande array based on 7 seasons of operation: CR energy spectrum and limit on the flux of the diffuse gamma rays in the energy range 10 PeV - 1000 PeV. In addition, we provide the results of test operation of the first 3 clusters of the TAIGA-Muon array.

Primary authors

Roman Monkhoev (API ISU) Mrs Anna Ivanova (API ISU)

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